Johnny Lazo

WSV Sterzing
Vorname Johnny
Nachname Lazo
Alter 35
Geburtsdatum 08 Januar 1989
Nationalität CAN CAN
Position Stürmer
Schussseite Rechts
Links Elite Prospects
Team WSV Sterzing


 Season Team League GP G A TP PIM      Playoffs GP G A TP PIM 
 2005-2006 Winnipeg Thrashers U18 AAAMU18HL40 18 3048 14|        
 2006-2007 Winnipeg Thrashers U18 AAAMU18HL40 35 4176 42|Playoffs12 13 720
  Winnipeg SaintsMJHL1 0 00 0|        
  Tri-City AmericansWHL3 0 00 0|        
 2007-2008 Tri-City AmericansWHL70 15 2439 18|Playoffs16 1 23
 2008-2009 Tri-City AmericansWHL72 22 3860 55|Playoffs11 3 25 12 
 2009-2010 Tri-City AmericansWHL72 39 3271 27|Playoffs22 7 815 16 
 2010-2011 Univ. of AlbertaUSports28 8 1220 12|Playoffs4 2 02
 2011-2012 Univ. of AlbertaUSports28 15 1227 4|Playoffs3 3 14
 2012-2013 Univ. of AlbertaUSports28 13 1932 14|Playoffs5 4 48
  Univ. of AlbertaUniversity Cup2 1 01 12|        
 2013-2014 Univ. of AlbertaUSports28 9 2534 16|Playoffs4 2 57
  Univ. of AlbertaUniversity Cup3 1 01 17|        
 2014-2015 Univ. of AlbertaUSports24 10 919 8|Playoffs4 0 22
 2015-2016 Sterzing/VipitenoItaly22 16 1935 12|        
  Sterzing/VipitenoItalian Cup2 0 22 4|        
  Colorado EaglesECHL34 21 1536 10|Playoffs3 0 22
 2016-2017 Colorado EaglesECHL20 4 1014 6|Playoffs20 3 25
 2017-2018 Lacombe GeneralsChinook HL2 0 33 2|        
 2018-2019 Warren MercsSEMHL14 6 1521 8|Playoffs9 2 79
 2019-2020 Warren MercsSEMHL16 15 2035 6|Playoffs4 3 25
 2020-2021 Warren MercsSEMHL0 0 00 0|        
 2021-2022 Warren MercsSEMHL9 4 711 2|Playoffs9 6 612
 2022-2023 Warren MercsSEMHL10 5 1015 2|Playoffs4 0 66
 2023-2024 Warren MercsSEMHL15 7 2128 2|Playoffs9 3 710

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Datum Saison Team Nr Rolle
10.07.2015 2015/2016 WSV Sterzing #9


Board Thema Erstellt Antworten Gelesen Letzte Antwort
Serie A Johnny Lazo verlässt die Broncos Do. 24.12.15 13 4.484 Mo. 28.12.15
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